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Sales and Marketing Managers in Riverside, ND

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Here is a complete directory of nearly every available Sales and Marketing Managers in Riverside, ND.

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2 results found

Yasmeen Frost Riverside, ND

Professions & Specialties

Account Service ManagerClient Service OfficerHuman Resources SpecialistRecruitmentCounselorAdvisorCustomer Service

Experience & Education


New american services - us govt. federal funded refugee resettlement program
Employment specialist / business development
Forum communications company - Fargo, ND
Account executive/ media consultant - digital media advertising

Yasmeen Frost Riverside, ND

Professions & Specialties

Account Service ManagerClient Service OfficerHuman Resources SpecialistRecruitmentCounselorAdvisorCustomer Service

Experience & Education


Lutheran social services- new americans
Employment specialist / business development
Forum communications company - Fargo, ND
Account executive/ media consultant - digital media advertising

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