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Services Professionals in Lakeville, CT

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Here is a complete list of most experienced Services Professionals in Lakeville, CT.

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5 results found

Randolph Williams Salisbury, CT

Professions & Specialties

SupplierAgentSales AgentServices ProfessionalSales and Service SpecialistSales RepresentativeChairpersonChief Executive OfficerChief ExecutiveCorporate ExecutiveSpeakerCounselorSpokespersonRepresentativeAdvisorOperations ManagerDatabase Administration ProfessionalDatabase AdministratorIT SpecialistAccounting BookkeeperBookkeeper

Experience & Education

President at The Trollope Society
Enterprise Performance Management;......Randolph Williams, Bookman;........Trollope Society President
Salisbury, Connecticut
Higher Education
Work history:
The Trollope Society - New York NY, and New Bern NCPresidentsince Mar 1989Client Confidential - Lakeville CTBusiness Planning ConsultantMay 2011 - Nov 2011

Katie Baldwin Millerton, NY

Professions & Specialties

Client Service OfficerServices ProfessionalSales and Service SpecialistSales AgentSales RepresentativeSales Team MemberSales PersonBuyer and SellerProject ManagerCounselorConstructionAdvisorHair StylistHairdresserCustomer ServiceChief Administrative OfficerProject ManagersChief ExecutiveOffice AssistantNon-ProfitOffice ClerkClerical SpecialistOperations ManagerChefFood PreparerFood Preparation WorkerBachelor of ScienceRecruitmentSecretary

Experience & Education

Project Manager at Robin Bell Design, Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant at Mary Kay Inc.,...
Project Manager at Robin Bell Design
Millerton, New York
Luxury Goods & Jewelry
Work history:
Robin Bell Design - Salisbury, CTProject Managersince Jun 2012Mary Kay Inc. Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultantsince Apr 2012
Merchandising, Apparel, Denim, Assortment, Wovens, Sweaters, Fashion, Sourcing, Vendor Relations,...

Dawn Whalen Lakeville, CT

Professions & Specialties

SupplierServices ProfessionalSales and Service SpecialistSales AgentSales RepresentativeChief Executive OfficerCorporate ExecutiveChief ExecutiveOperations ManagerOrganization ManagementSupporting MemberTeam MemberBoard MemberManagement Team ExecutiveAdvisorSecretaryHospital Care ProfessionalHealth ProfessionalHealth PractitionerBachelor of ScienceFinance and Accounting SpecialistAccounting BookkeeperBookkeeperInformation Technology SpecialistIT Specialist

Experience & Education

Executive Director at Habitat for Humanity Northwest CT
Lakeville, Connecticut
Nonprofit Organization Management
Work history:
Habitat for Humanity Northwest CT - Lakeville, CTExecutive Directorsince Jul 2013Connecticut Education Association - Hartford, Connecticut AreaPolitical Action AssociateJul 2011 - Jun 2013
Press Releases, Project Management, Social Media Marketing, Management, Negotiation, Business...

Sam Decock Lakeville, CT

Professions & Specialties

Sales RepresentativeDeputy DirectorDeputy ManagerChief ExecutiveProject ManagersRecruitmentProject Manager

Experience & Education

Associate Director of Admissions at Indian Mountain School
Lakeville, Connecticut
Education Management
Work history:
Indian Mountain School Associate Director of Admissionssince Aug 2010Colgate University Information Technology Project ManagerJun 2009 - Sep 2009

Matt Otterson New York, NY

Professions & Specialties

SupplierServices ProfessionalSales and Service SpecialistSales AgentSales RepresentativeManagerMarketing ManagerChief Brand OfficerOperations ManagerChief ExecutiveMarketing AdministratorAdvertising ProfessionalAdvertising Sales AgentFinance and Accounting SpecialistAccounting BookkeeperBookkeeperPhysicianSecurityAdvisorData Entry SpecialistComputer Software ProfessionalData ScientistSoftware DevelopersMaster of Business Administration

Experience & Education

Multi-Channel Campaign Execution Manager at The Encima Group
DB Marketing & Operations
Greater New York City Area
Work history:
The Encima Group - Lakeville CTMulti-Channel Campaign Execution Managersince May 2013Bayer HealthCare Diabetes Care - Tarrytown, NYAssistant Marketing Manager - CRM, DigitalMay 2012 - Apr 2013

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Services Professionals around Lakeville, CT

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Services Professionals in Connecticut


Supplier  (5)