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Services Professionals in Lone Jack, MO

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1 result found

Jeffrey Massey Lone Jack, MO

Professions & Specialties

Equipment Tools Purchasing AgentDepartment Store SalespersonRetail ProfessionalRetail SalespersonSupplierServices ProfessionalSales and Service SpecialistSales AgentSales RepresentativeChief Executive OfficerVice PresidentCorporate ExecutiveChief ExecutiveOperations ManagerDirector of OperationsOwnerHuman Resources SpecialistRecruitmentService TechnicianMaintenance and Repair WorkerInformation Technology SpecialistIT SpecialistField Engineer

Experience & Education

General Manager at Buckeye Body and Equipment Company
United States
Work history:
Buckeye Body and Equipment Company - Columbus, OhioGeneral Managersince Jul 2013American Midwest Fleet Solutions - Lone Jack, MOVP of Manufacturing and Technical ServicesApr 2012 - Jul 2013

Services Professionals near Lone Jack, MO01,7123,4245,1366,8488,560Kansas CityOverland ParkIndependenceLees SummitBlue SpringsLibertyGrandviewRaymoreHarrisonvilleMosby

Services Professionals around Lone Jack, MO

Bates City  (1)
Blue Springs  (55)
Buckner  (3)
Grandview  (25)
Independence  (82)
Kansas City  (8,558)
Kingsville  (2)
Latour  (3)
Lees Summit  (66)
Lexington  (1)
Liberty  (47)
Mosby  (6)
Oak Grove  (5)
Overland Park  (1,452)
Peculiar  (2)
Raymore  (13)
Richmond  (1)

Services Professionals in Missouri


Supplier  (1)