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Lab Assistants in Miami, OK

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1 result found

Jenna Casady Miami, OK

Professions & Specialties

Lab AssistantAssayerLaboratory ChemistChemical ProfessionalChemistChemical EngineerApprenticeStudent Worker

Experience & Education


Medimmune - Gaithersburg, MD
Process biochemistry intern
Miller lab - Evanston, IL
Undergraduate lab assistant


Column Chromatography: Affinity (Protein A), Anion Exchange, Cation Exchange; low pH viral...

Lab Assistants near Miami, OK03691215JoplinPittsburgBella VistaKansas

Lab Assistants around Miami, OK

Bella Vista  (2)
Joplin  (15)
Kansas  (1)
Pittsburg  (6)

Lab Assistants in Oklahoma


Lab Assistant  (1)