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Laboratory Scientists in Port Aransas, TX

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1 result found

Lela Henkel Port Aransas, TX

Professions & Specialties

Research AssociateResearch SpecialistResearch ScientistLaboratory ScientistApprenticeStudent WorkerMedical TechnicianIndustrial Engineer

Experience & Education


Clinproxy research services
Clinical research associate (intern)
Clia - San Antonio, TX
Program specialist iv

Laboratory Scientists near Port Aransas, TX01122334455Corpus ChristiVictoriaPortlandTaftBeevilleAliceRockport

Laboratory Scientists around Port Aransas, TX

Alice  (1)
Beeville  (1)
Portland  (2)
Rockport  (1)
Taft  (2)
Victoria  (6)

Laboratory Scientists in Texas