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Microbiologists in Penfield, NY

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Here is a complete list of nearly all experienced Microbiologists in Penfield, NY.

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1 result found

Jill Gresens Rochester, NY

Professions & Specialties

MicrobiologistBiologistBiological ScientistSupervisorManagersSupporting MemberTechnical SpecialistTechnical Support SpecialistsTeam MemberFisherCookComputer Specialist

Experience & Education

Live Materials Lab Supervisor at VWR Education
Rochester, New York Area
Work history:
VWR Education Live Materials Lab Supervisorsince Oct 2012ValTech Holdings - Rochester, NYMicrobiologistMay 2011 - Oct 2012
Microbiology, FDA, Sop, Validation, Biotechnology, Lifesciences, Cell Culture, GMP, Quality System, ...

Microbiologists near Penfield, NY01326395265RochesterEast RochesterFairportHiltonOntarioSpencerportWilliamson

Microbiologists around Penfield, NY

Fairport  (1)
Hilton  (1)
Ontario  (1)
Rochester  (62)
Spencerport  (1)
Williamson  (1)

Microbiologists in New York