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Cutters in Kissel Hill, PA

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6 results found

Marvin Weaver Kissel Hill, PA

Professions & Specialties


Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#4799625  Jan 24, 1989

Filed: May 5, 1987

Marvin G. Weaver (Lititz, PA)
Carl E. Bohman (New Holland, PA)
Richard P. Strosser (Akron, PA)
John R. McClure (New Holland, PA)
Mark K. Chow (Leola, PA)
7/046011 Ford New Holland, Inc. (New Holland, PA)
International Classification: B02C 2500U.S. Classification: 241 30
Method and apparatus for adjusting a shear bar relative to a cutter head
Under the control of a microprocessor first and second motors alternately drive first and second...

Marv Weave Kissel Hill, PA

Professions & Specialties


Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#4799625  Jan 24, 1989

Filed: May 5, 1987

Marv Weave (Lititz, PA)
Carl E. Bohman (New Holland, PA)
Richard P. Strosser (Akron, PA)
John R. McClure (New Holland, PA)
Mark K. Chow (Leola, PA)
7/046011 Ford New Holland, Inc. (New Holland, PA)
International Classification: B02C 2500U.S. Classification: 241 30
Method and apparatus for adjusting a shear bar relative to a cutter head
Under the control of a microprocessor first and second motors alternately drive first and second...

Marvin Weaver Kissel Hill, PA

Professions & Specialties


Experience & Education

United States Patent InventorAppl. No.Assignee

#RE34946  May 23, 1995

Filed: Feb 7, 1992

Marvin G. Weaver (Lititz, PA)
John R. McClure (New Holland, PA)
Mark K. Chow (Paoli, PA)
Carl E. Bohman (New Holland, PA)
Richard P. Strosser (Akron, PA)
7/831631 New Holland North America, Inc. (New Holland, PA)
International Classification: B02C 2500U.S. Classification: 241 30
Method and apparatus for adjusting a shear bar relative to a cutter head
Under the control of a microprocessor first and second motors alternately drive first and second...

Mark Krug Lancaster, PA

Professions & Specialties

CounselorCutterAdvisorWellness and Fitness ManagerWellness and FitnessWellness and Fitness ProfessionalOwnerChief Executive

Experience & Education

Wellness Director at The Benecon Group & ConnectCare3 (Sole Proprietorship), Owner at proXercise
Wellness Director/ The Benecon Group
Lancaster, Pennsylvania Area
Health, Wellness and Fitness
Work history:
The Benecon Group & ConnectCare3 Wellness Directorsince Sep 2008ProXercise - Lancaster, Pennsylvania AreaOwnersince 2008

Curt Stauffer Kissel Hill, PA

Professions & Specialties

VolunteerNon-ProfitLeadership Think TankOrganization ManagementAnalystsPartnerChairpersonBoard MemberChief Executive OfficerChief ExecutiveManagement Team ExecutiveOperations ManagerCorporate ExecutiveOwnerManagement AnalystsFinancial ManagerTennis PlayerAthletesAccounting BookkeeperBookkeeperInvestment AnalystPuchasing and Estimating Manager

Experience & Education

President at Manheim Township Educational Foundation, Board Member at JDRF, Partner at...
Partner with StaufferWilliams Asset Management, LLC
Lititz, Pennsylvania
Investment Management
Work history:
Manheim Township Educational Foundation PresidentJDRF Board Membersince 2009
Asset Managment, Equities, Risk Management, Financial Planners, Wealth Management, Strategic...
..for clients seeking more than cookie cutter investment models and a cafeteria style sel..

Kristi Ober Kissel Hill, PA

Professions & Specialties

TechnicianCoordinatorTechnical SpecialistTechnical Support SpecialistsManagersTeam MemberGraphic Designer

Experience & Education


Opsec security - Lancaster, PA
Qc technician / graphic designer
Opsec security - Lancaster, PA
Qc coordinator

Cutters near Kissel Hill, PA0612182430LancasterReadingYorkEphrataLebanonAkronMountvilleCornwallLandisvilleGap

Cutters around Kissel Hill, PA

Akron  (3)
Cornwall  (1)
Ephrata  (8)
Gap  (1)
Lancaster  (27)
Landisville  (1)
Lebanon  (6)
Mountville  (1)
Reading  (26)
York  (24)

Cutters in Pennsylvania