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Evangelists in Boston, NY

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Here is a complete directory of most experienced Evangelists in Boston, NY.

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1 result found

Kathleen Telaak Syracuse, NY

Professions & Specialties

EvangelistSupervisorEvent PlannerPreacherReligious WorkerManagersAdvertising ProfessionalAdvertising Sales AgentEvent Manager

Experience & Education

Marketing Outreach Specialist at WellCare
Syracuse, New York Area
Marketing and Advertising
Work history:
WellCare - Oneida CountyMarketing Outreach Specialistsince Aug 2012Town of Boston, New York - Boston, NYAssistant to Town SupervisorJan 2010 - Aug 2012

Evangelists near Boston, NY0816243240BuffaloElmaHamburgAngolaOrchard Park

Evangelists around Boston, NY

Angola  (1)
Buffalo  (39)
Elma  (2)
Hamburg  (2)
Orchard Park  (1)

Evangelists in New York


Evangelist  (1)