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Evangelists in Fulton, NY

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1 result found

Brandi Weaver Syracuse, NY

Professions & Specialties

EvangelistIndependent ContractorCoordinatorModeratorPreacherReligious WorkerContractorManagersAdvisorArts ProfessionalFree Lance ArtistPhotographerFine Art ProfessionalArt ProfessionalIllustratorGraphic Design SpecialistGraphic DesignerAdvocateJuristLegal CounselIndependent Business Owners

Experience & Education

Freelance Artist & Photographer at Self employed
Youth/Community Outreach Specialist and Independent Visual Arts Professional
Syracuse, New York Area
Individual & Family Services
Work history:
Self employed Freelance Artist & Photographersince May 2002Youth Advocate Programs, Inc. - Fulton NYYouth & Family AdvocateDec 2009 - Dec 2012
Photography, Portrait Photography, Portraits, Illustration, Logo Design, Fine Art, Lighting, Senior ...

Evangelists near Fulton, NY0918273645SyracuseLiverpoolEast SyracuseMartvilleMinoa

Evangelists around Fulton, NY

Liverpool  (2)
Martville  (1)
Minoa  (1)
Syracuse  (45)

Evangelists in New York


Evangelist  (1)