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Managers in Geuda Springs, KS

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1 result found

Lesia Alford Geuda Springs, KS

Professions & Specialties

Substitute TeacherEducatorEducation ProfessionalInstructorTeam LeaderOperations Manager

Experience & Education


Usd 509, usd 465
Substitute teacher
Goodwill industries - Winfield, AR
Team leader

Managerss near Geuda Springs, KS02,0754,1506,2258,30010,375WichitaDerbyPonca CityAndoverHaysvilleAugustaWinfieldMulvaneGoddardMaize

Managerss around Geuda Springs, KS

Andover  (174)
Argonia  (3)
Atlanta  (1)
Augusta  (119)
Belle Plaine  (18)
Benton  (20)
Blackwell  (26)
Bluff City  (1)
Braman  (1)
Burbank  (1)
Burden  (1)
Cambridge  (2)
Clearwater  (24)
Colwich  (26)
Danville  (1)
Deer Creek  (2)
Derby  (323)
Douglass  (21)
Fairfax  (3)
Garber  (5)
Goddard  (75)
Grenola  (1)
Haysville  (133)
Hunter  (1)
Kechi  (15)
Lamont  (3)
Leon  (7)
Maize  (45)
Medford  (6)
Milan  (1)
Milton  (2)
Mulvane  (86)
Nardin  (5)
Newkirk  (17)
Oxford  (14)
Peck  (16)
Ponca City  (215)
Ralston  (2)
Red Rock  (5)
Rock  (3)
Shidler  (2)
South Haven  (2)
Tonkawa  (24)
Towanda  (25)
Udall  (16)
Viola  (4)
Wichita  (10,372)
Winfield  (108)

Managerss in Kansas