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Package Handlers in Westover, NY

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Here is a complete list of nearly all professional Package Handlers in Westover, NY.

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1 result found

Benjamin Leiter Westover, NY

Professions & Specialties

Security OfficerPackage HandlerSupporting MemberSecurityDeliverymanCourierTeam MemberDesignerManufacturing EngineerProcess EngineerIndustrial EngineerProject EngineerMechanical EngineeringEngineering SpecialistCashierBachelor of ScienceStudent Worker

Experience & Education

Mechanical Product Designer at Amphenol Interconnect Products
Student at Binghamton University - Watson School of Engineering
Johnson City, New York
Work history:
Amphenol Interconnect Products - Endicott, NYMechanical Product Designersince Oct 2012Amphenol Interconnect Products Manufacturing EngineerAug 2010 - Oct 2012
Technical Writing, Solidworks, Manufacturing, Engineering, Microsoft Office, Product Development

Package Handlers near Westover, NY036912BinghamtonEndicottVestalGreat BendHallsteadNew Milford

Package Handlers around Westover, NY

Binghamton  (12)
Endicott  (5)
Great Bend  (1)
Hallstead  (1)
New Milford  (1)
Vestal  (2)

Package Handlers in New York


Package Handler  (1)