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Planners in Creston, IA

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2 results found

Dave Crawford Creston, IA

Professions & Specialties

Account Service ManagerClient Service OfficerBusiness Unit ManagerBusiness Administration SpecialistOperations ManagerCustomer ServiceBusiness Development ManagerSystems Support SpecialistSupport Specialists

Experience & Education


Mediacom communications corporation
Commercial account executive
Superflow technologies group - Des Moines, IA
Business unit manager

Deanna Hill Des Moines, IA

Professions & Specialties

PackerPlannerIndustrial OperatorOpticianLicensed Dispensing OpticianCustomer ServiceClient Service OfficerRetail SalespersonBachelor of ScienceData Scientist

Experience & Education

Optician at Wal-Mart
Optician I Training at Wal-Mart
Des Moines, Iowa Area
Work history:
Wal-Mart Opticiansince Aug 2008Movie Gallery - Creston, IASales2004 - 2008
Retail, Customer Service, Cashiering, Opticians, Lenses, Inventory Control, Retail Sales, Process...

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Griswold  (1)
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Menlo  (1)
Panora  (1)
Stanton  (1)
Waukee  (3)
Winterset  (2)

Planners in Iowa