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Planners in Truax, IA

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Here is a complete list of most local Planners in Truax, IA.

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2 results found

Doug Roush Truax, IA

Professions & Specialties

SupervisorManagersDirector of OperationsOperations ManagerManagerBachelor of Science

Experience & Education


Cargill inc. - Eddyville, IA
Refinery supervisor
Sweet bran
Operations supervisor

Janet Farner Des Moines, IA

Professions & Specialties

PlannerBusiness AdministratorLogistics ManagerLogisticianOperations ManagerBachelor of ArtsRecruitment

Experience & Education

Health Supply Planner at Cargill
Supply Planner
Des Moines, Iowa Area
Food Production
Work history:
Cargill - Eddyville, IAHealth Supply Plannersince Jul 2010Cargill - Eddyville, IAWorldwide Logistics ManagerJun 1989 - Jul 2010

Planners near Truax, IA0246PellaWilliamsburgFairfieldKelloggMonroeMelrose

Planners around Truax, IA

Fairfield  (4)
Kellogg  (1)
Melrose  (1)
Monroe  (1)
Pella  (6)
Williamsburg  (5)

Planners in Iowa