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Representatives in Tyrone, NM

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1 result found

Karl Christopherson Silver City, NM

Professions & Specialties

PlannerSupervisorRepresentativeExplosive TechnicianManagersExplosives WorkerEngineerDirector of OperationsOperations Manager

Experience & Education

Senior Mine Engineer, Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. Tyrone
Silver City, New Mexico
Mining & Metals
Work history:
Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. - Tyrone, New MexicoSenior Mine EngineerApr 2012 - Feb 2013Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. - Tyrone, NMShort Range/Projects EngineerSep 2011 - Apr 2012

Representatives near Tyrone, NM036912Silver CityDemingMorenciReserveCliff

Representatives around Tyrone, NM

Cliff  (1)
Deming  (7)
Morenci  (2)
Reserve  (1)
Silver City  (12)

Representatives in New Mexico