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Technical Specialists in Sherman, NM

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2 results found

Nancy Avena Sherman, NM

Professions & Specialties

Data TypistClerkComputer Operator SpecialistClerical Specialist

Experience & Education


Hewlett and olson food distribution company - Las Vegas, NV
Data entry clerk
Allied-signal aerospace - Chandler, AZ

Carrie Gurule Deming, NM

Professions & Specialties

Technical SpecialistTechnical Support SpecialistsWinemakerVineyard TenderFarmworkerManagerOperations ManagerWellness and Fitness ProfessionalWellness and FitnessPhysicianBachelor of ScienceHealth and Fitness TeacherSports TrainerSports TrainersIndustrial Engineer

Experience & Education

Winemaker at St. Clair Winery, Wine Tasting Room Manager at La Esperanza Vineyard and Winery,...
Deming, New Mexico
Wine and Spirits
Work history:
St. Clair Winery - St Clair Winery/ Southwest Wines Deming, NMWinemakersince Apr 2012La Esperanza Vineyard and Winery - Sherman, NMWine Tasting Room Managersince Jun 2011

Technical Specialists near Sherman, NM0131262393524655Las CrucesSilver CityDemingLordsburgElephant ButteBayardColumbusCliffGlenwoodMimbres

Technical Specialists around Sherman, NM

Bayard  (4)
Cliff  (2)
Columbus  (3)
Deming  (32)
Glenwood  (1)
Las Cruces  (651)
Lordsburg  (5)
Mimbres  (1)
Silver City  (43)
Tyrone  (1)

Technical Specialists in New Mexico


Technician  (2)