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Head Waitrons in Malverne, NY

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2 results found

Jennifer Marcus Malverne, NY

Professions & Specialties

Head WaitronFood Service WorkerFood and Beverages ProfessionalFood and Beverage AttendantChief Administrative OfficerManagerChief ExecutiveOperations ManagerAnalystCoordinatorAnalystsManagers

Experience & Education


Custom tours, inc
Administrative operations analyst
Rfb entertainment - Freeport, NY
Manager, party coordinator, head server


Microsoft Suite - Word, Excel, Power Point, Outlook, Quick Books, Micros Systems, Aloha POS,...

Adrian Dobrin Malverne, NY

Professions & Specialties

Food and Beverages ProfessionalFood and Beverage AttendantManagerOperations ManagerDirector of Operations

Experience & Education


Royal caribbean international - Miami, FL
Restaurant operations manager
Royal caribbean international - Miami, FL
Dining room manager / maitre'd royal caribbean international miami


Well organized and very structured approach to my professional life. Reliable. Very open in terms...

Head Waitrons near Malverne, NY0246810JamaicaHempsteadValley StreamRockville CentreRooseveltFloral ParkFar RockawayFreeportGarden CityLynbrook

Head Waitrons around Malverne, NY

Head Waitrons in New York


Busser  (1)
Head Waitron  (2)
Hostess  (10)