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Kitchen Stewards in Waverly, NY

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Here is a complete directory of nearly all local Kitchen Stewards in Waverly, NY.

Be sure to visit other towns near Waverly, NY to find the records of more professionals.

The Trustoria Directory gives you all the professional records needed to get the right Waiter for any need.

1 result found

Ariel Atchison Waverly, NY

Professions & Specialties

Kitchen StewardFood Service WorkerFood and Beverages ProfessionalFood and Beverage AttendantCamp CounselorLifeguardLife GuardAdvisorProgram DirectorOperations Manager

Experience & Education


Outdoor ministries: camp vick - Sandusky, NY
Camp kitchen assistant(2009),camp counselor/lifeguard(2010), camp assistant program...


CPR certified,Lifeguard Certified, Childcare, Basic Food Prep.

Kitchen Stewards near Waverly, NY02468IthacaElmiraEndicottBartonBrooktondaleCorningHorseheads

Kitchen Stewards around Waverly, NY

Barton  (1)
Brooktondale  (1)
Corning  (1)
Elmira  (4)
Endicott  (2)
Horseheads  (1)
Ithaca  (7)

Kitchen Stewards in New York


Busser  (1)
Hostess  (6)
Kitchen Steward  (1)