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Grant Writing Professionals in Mechanicsville, VA

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5 results found

Ivy Coburn Mechanicsville, VA

Professions & Specialties

Grant Writing ProfessionalAuthorBoard MemberManagement Team ExecutiveOperations ManagerFundraiserFundraising OfficerAdministrative CoordinatorClerical Specialist

Experience & Education


Hands of unity, llc
(board member), grant writer, fundraiser
Hands of unity, llc
Fundraiser, grant writer, administrative coordinator, outreach worker

Ivy Coburn Mechanicsville, VA

Professions & Specialties

Grant Writing ProfessionalAuthorBoard MemberManagement Team ExecutiveOperations ManagerFundraiserFundraising OfficerAdministrative CoordinatorCoordinatorClerical SpecialistManagers

Experience & Education


Hands of unity, llc
Fundraiser, grant writer, administrative coordinator, outreach worker
Hands of unity, llc
Id/mh housing coordinator

Debra Israel Mechanicsville, VA

Professions & Specialties

Grant Writing ProfessionalAuthorResearch AssociateResearch SpecialistResearch ScientistDoctor of PhilosophyAdvisorHigher Education ProfessionalSchool AdministratorEducational ManagerCorporate ExecutiveChief Executive

Experience & Education


Northern virginia community college (nova)
Grant writer and senior research associate
Axia college (on-line), university of phoenix - Phoenix, AZ

Mitzi Privett Mechanicsville, VA

Professions & Specialties

AuthorForensic Social WorkerDirectorOperations ManagerTherapistPhysical Therapy SpecialistSocial WorkersBehavioral ConsultantPsychology SpecialistStudent WorkerBachelor of Arts

Experience & Education


State of tennessee department of corrections - Columbia, TN
Forensic social worker
Sundance counseling and mental health services - Norman, OK
Assistant clinical director/therapist

Lisa Maccarrigan New York, NY

Professions & Specialties

AuthorTransportation PlannerApprenticePlannerResearch AssociateResearch SpecialistResearch ScientistStudent WorkerVolunteerNon-ProfitNurseNurse PractitionerBachelor of Science

Experience & Education

Transportation Planner Intern at Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission
Greater New York City Area
Architecture & Planning
Work history:
Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission - Greater Philadelphia AreaTransportation Planner Internsince Sep 2012VERTICES LLC - New Brunswick, New JerseyResearch AssociateJan 2012 - Sep 2012
Grant Writer Intern at Sustainable Highland Park

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Grant Writing Professionals in Virginia